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Photo fact: Dervish hovering in the air

A photo of a dervish, a scientist, hovering in the air has been spread in the media.

But how do they manage to literally hover in the air without touching the ground?

Are these photos real or fake? decided to solve the trick.

Levitating statues (that's what the effect of hovering in the air is called) are of particular interest. They seem to deny gravity: they sit or stand, as if hovering in the air.

In 2018, a scientist hovering in the air appeared in the old part of Bukhara.

As previously reported, a levitating dervish appeared in the old part of Bukhara. The attraction is very popular and has earned positive reviews from tourists.

In view of this, two more attractions of this kind were launched: an alloma (scientist) hovering in the air. The success of the attractions shows that interactive entertainment located along the tourist routes has a positive effect on the overall impression of the trip.

The solution, it turns out, is not so difficult. The character necessarily has something in the form of a staff or cane in his hand, which is firmly attached to a heavy metal base-mat. From the staff through the sleeve, another rigid fastening goes - this is a kind of beginning of the reinforcement-frame, to which either a seat or a step is attached. It is clear why the clothes of levitating statues are always multi-layered, hanging and dense.

Meanwhile, their work is not easy - they have to stand or sit motionless for several hours. It requires the ability to control your body: to cope with the pain, spasms, to resist the weather - and all this under a thick layer of paint and makeup, which makes you sweat in the heat, and constrains and tightens in the cold, and the effect of paint on the skin is probably different from nourishing creams.

This is the second entertainment show project in the city, organized by the State Committee of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development. Previously, in the old part of Bukhara, you could see a levitating dervish.

"The success of the attractions shows that interactive entertainment located along the tourist routes has a positive effect on the overall impression of the trip. Therefore, the State Committee for Tourism recommends creating more diverse entertainment for tourists," the State Committee for Tourism said in a statement.

The authorities of Uzbekistan intend to create similar attractions in other popular tourist cities. The next "flying" character could be Hodja Nasreddin. conclusion: photo fake

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