"Mona Lisa" (La Gioconda) (Italian: Ritratto di Monna Lisa del Giocondo) is a painting by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci in the period 1503-1519. The painting is one of the most famous and priceless works of art in the world. It belongs to the Renaissance.
A photo of Leonardo da Vinci and Mona Lisa, dating back to 1505, was published in the social networks of the Uzbek segment.
Is it possible?
Factchecker.uz decided to check this fact.

It is known that the painting "Mona Lisa" by da Vinci is also known as a portrait of Mrs. Lisa del Giocondo. They say that she was the young wife of a wealthy Florentine. Leonardo's contemporary claims that this is Lisa Gherardini, a beautiful noble Italian woman whose image became the main "pearl" of the Louvre. She was the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, a well-known merchant of expensive fabrics at that time.

As for the photograph dating back to 1505 - it's a fake. Since on January 7, 1839, François Arago presented a report at the French Academy of Sciences on a new method of creating an image, developed by Nicéphore Niépce and Louis Daguerre. This day is considered the official date of the invention of photography. However, its history begins much earlier.
The first cameras are based on a camera obscura. This is a dark box (but can be as big as a room) with a small hole in it. The light entering it projects an image onto a screen on the opposite wall. If the screen is covered with a light-sensitive emulsion, the image is imprinted on it. The first camera obscura was used by Renaissance artists to paint realistic landscapes.
The first photographic image was taken by Nicéphore Niépce back in 1822 using the heliography method he invented. But only the image from 1826 has survived to this day - "View from the window at Le Gras". The exposure of the photo was about eight hours, and then the negative was printed from a metal plate.

The specified photo was previously published on Instagram on May 28, 2023 with almost identical Russian-language text. On May 29, the post was also published on X (formerly Twitter) . The author of the post wrote: "The most expensive photo in history: the only photo of the Mona Lisa sold at auction yesterday for $ 113 million. The buyer from the Emirates wished to remain anonymous." It should also be noted that some accounts on X date the photo to 1504.

The photo of Leonardo da Vinci and the Mona Lisa was published with the following text: "Rare photo: Leonardo da Vinci and Lisa del Giocondo. The artist and model together. Florence, 1505."
The common photo was created by artificial intelligence (AI). In this particular case, this can be determined without the use of AI-generated photo recognition methods, due to the simple historical fact that photography did not exist in the 16th century.
One of the most famous paintings in the world - Mona Lisa (Gioconda) by Leonardo da Vinci (Italian artist and scientist of the Renaissance) was created between 1503-1519. The fact that there was no photography during their lifetime makes the existence of such a photograph simply impossible.
Factchecker.uz conclusion: photo fake