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Fake accounts opened in name of singer Nargiz

Famous Russian singer Nargiz Zokirova said on her Facebook page that fake accounts were being opened in her name on social networks zOAAgqH1KE7z03wkmjyZTZhtc4NVXZnCHQ& _rdr

"My dear friends! We just discovered another scammer who created another FAKE account under my name! I OFFICIALLY DECLARE that this Instagram page is not real! My official, only, and real page @nargizzakirova_official!!! So "@nargizzakirovaofficial" stop scamming people immediately!

In the comments, her fans wrote, "Famous people always have envious people, deceivers who open pages with your name, imitate, give concerts. Ignore them."

How to distinguish a real account from a fake one?

If the page does not show the full name, age, occupation, education, and other information, it can be a signal that the page is suspicious. You should also check if there is a list of friends on the page. If the friend list is empty or contains unverified profiles, it may be fake.

According to social media rules, creating fake accounts is prohibited. You can contact the administration on your own with a request to block fake accounts. To do this, you will be asked to confirm your identity.

What to do if someone faked you on Instagram?

Instagram takes security seriously. If someone has created an Instagram account pretending to be you, you should report it to the Instagram administration. If you have an Instagram account, you can submit a complaint directly from the Instagram app.

Verdict: Fake account

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