Social media platforms in Uzbekistan are being filled with sensitive information to help a terminally ill boy Hayotjon, mainly in Telegram groups, under the @HAYOTJONGA_YORDAM account. Allegedly, he recently underwent heart surgery and did not recover yet with further “heart-enlarged complications” every day. The message does not indicate the first name of the parents or the last name of the child. Images and card numbers change from time to time. On the first aid card issued to the child’s mother, her last name is “TORAEVA DILDORAKHAN”, account number 8600 0210 0544 0089.
On June 11, 2022, a telegram group was created using the profile name "HIS FATHER'S CARD NUMBER - UZKARD Egamberdiev Sherzod", the card number is 8600020152774878 and the phone number is 998973593101.
Further, the last name was deleted and a different card number was presented: 8600061069358561.
Photos of the boy after the operation with the last words “donation” and “savob” (good deeds) have started circulating under the card number of a person named Rasulov Zafar. At the bottom of the picture with a request for last help, a “Valantor card number” has been added, written in Cyrillic with errors. The child's name does not appear on the hospital transcripts presented in the photographs as "evidence" and she is a surgical report.
When Factchecker.uz dared to call Egamberdiev Sherzod, he was surprised to find out that his name was misused on the bank card and claimed that he was not the boy’s father. And the mother didn’t even know that scammers were still collecting money.
Factchecker.uz warns: Please, read carefully messages circulating on social media pleading for help. The true Messages must include telephone numbers of close relatives of the sick person and the patient’s exact diagnosis. Contact close relatives by telephone numbers, ask for a copy of documents confirming that they are indeed relatives of the patient, and ask for the name of the doctor treating the patient, his telephone number, and the name of the hospital before sending money. Check with the hospital about an attending doctor.
Factchecker.uz verdict: fraud, fake news