Information appeared on social networks that a fire broke out on Sagbon Street in the Almazar district of Tashkent.

Social media users have spread sensational news that the Zhoziba wedding hall on Sogbon Street, located in the Almazar district of Tashkent, caught fire. On August 15, JSC Hududiy Elektr Tarmoqlari reported the following about the situation:
"It is known that the fire broke out in a pile of garbage collected by residents around the canteen located near the Zhoziba wedding hall as a result of a short circuit in transformer box No. 278 with a capacity of 630 kVA, located on Sagbon Street.
As a result, about 80 households were left without electricity due to a fire in the cable network coming out of the transformer. At the moment, the fire has been completely extinguished. Currently, measures are being taken to reconnect households disconnected from electricity through backup networks.
The fire did not damage the transformer."

But the causes of the fire were investigated more thoroughly. The second official response from the Tashkent city power grid provided different information, according to which "CCTV cameras were checked in the area where the fire occurred. The video taken from the CCTV cameras showed that this situation occurred as a result of small children playing with matches."
Factchecker's conclusion: false