A post published in the media (https://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/v-safari-parke-v-parkente-khozyain-grubo-obrashchaetsya-s-dikimi-zhivotnymi-zoozashchitniki-vzyali-d/) read that in the private zoo of Hikmatilla Akhmedov, located in the city of Krasnogorsk, Parkent district, Tashkent region, treated animals badly. To find out the truth, Factchecker.uz, together with the Mehr va Okibat Animal Welfare Society, visited the WILDLIFE zoo nursery. Earlier, in 2021, the site was visited by volunteers to see the condition of the lions. At that time, under the care of Kh. Akhmedov (https://t.me/ekologuzru/356) there were 2 large lions and 1 lion cub (https://t.me/ekologuzru/362), which were in poor condition. Over two years, the lion cub Laura grew up, and the thorn in her eyes was removed by surgery. The condition of the zoo nursery has improved significantly, and the number of animals has reached 30. Now there are 13 African lions, a brown bear brought from the Fergana Zoo, a peacock, husky dogs, an eagle, an Asian wolf, a Nile crocodile, ostriches, geese, African ostriches and others. At the same time, the Animal Rehabilitation Center was opened at the zoo. Since Khikmatilla Akhmedov is both a biologist and veterinarian, he treats animals and cares for lions, while his wife and children help care for other animals. According to Akhmedov, predators eat 150 kg per day. meat. Sponsors help him pay for the meat costs.
The condition of the animals is satisfactory, as soon as Akhmedov approaches them, they caress him and lick his hand, it feels like the treatment of animals here is not as bad as reported in the media. Injured animals confiscated by the Regional Department of Ecology are taken to a rehabilitation center. The husky dogs, according to. Mr. Akhmedov, was brought from the Hayot shelter for stray dogs.
At the moment, the zoo nursery does not generate profit; admission is free for those interested. When the construction work is completed, it will open as a full-fledged zoo. The number of animals in the zoo increases every year. Of course, their living conditions, food, and treatment require a lot of money. In our opinion, doing this with the help of Kh. Akhmedov alone is a difficult task. The zoo needs additional funding and support. In this regard, it would be appropriate if other sponsors lend a helping hand.
P/S. No matter how well animals and birds are treated in zoos, the Public Association “Ecologist” is against all circuses and zoos. We believe that every animal should live in its own home, in its natural environment.
Verdict: Fake